Tool 1 2 Suitability Assessment Use the tool below to describe what or who the positive deviants might be given your particular project scope This will help you determine the data sources you will need Remember that in DPPD positive deviants can be individuals communities or even administrative or geographic units Use the boxes below to develop an initial description of potential positive deviant s Who am I An individual a group or a geographical unit Add other attributes or demographics you can think of e g age gender socioeconomic status 1 What outcomes can I achieve better than my peers Example I didn t deforest for three years in a row 3 Am I known or likely to exist See the guidance in the bullet points for ways to find out if positive deviants might exist 4 Where am I What is my geographic location 2 In some cases there might be an agreed definition of who is considered an outperformer Check the academic literature Engage with people who might be aware of individuals or communities who are adopting uncommon practices and strategies Talk to people working on the problem including sector experts government officials or NGO staff If you have access to data on the performance of potential positive deviants and easy access to data analysis skills run a preliminary analysis to understand the data distribution and to see if you can spot any immediate outliers General Tips 45 46

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