Ecuador Positive deviants Cattle farmers in the Ecua dorian Amazon who operate in areas of potential forest clearance for farming with out deforesting themselves How to tell if they are positive deviants Data used Partners Cattle raising farms with deforestation rates that are significantly lower than ex pected for three consecutive years while controlling for the size of the farm the land use soil adaptability and cattle density Remote sensing data vacci nation data cadastral data official statistics land use data observation data and semi structured interviews UNDP Ecuador Accelerator Lab GIZ Ecuador UNDP PRO Amazonia GIZ Data Lab and University of Manchester Researchers in Egypt who have high citation metrics scores Information system researchers in public universities in Egypt who achieved significantly higher than average scores in one or more of six citation metrics Citation data from Google Scholar research publica tions on Scopus university websites interviews and surveys University of ManchesterEgypt Districts in Germany that were better able to contain the spread of COVID 19 infections Districts with lower than expected weekly repro duction factors considering two timeframes while controlling for weather mobility ruralness and so cioeconomic status Public data on infections per district official admin istrative statistics CDR derived mobility data weather report data and focus group discussions GIZ Data Lab TeralyticsGermany Rice farming villages in In donesia that have higher rice productivity than expected Villages with higher pro ductivity than expected as measured by enhanced ve getation index scores while controlling for their climatic socioeconomic and demo graphic conditions Remote sensing data official statistics administrative boundary data and crop masks UN Global Pulse Lab Jakarta GIZ Data Lab and University of Manchester Indonesia 17 18

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